Thursday, November 29, 2012

First Post

The first post is always so awkward. What all about myself should i include to make it enough information, but not so much as to bore my poor readers right at the first post?! I'll keep it short and sweet: i used to have a different username and a different blog that was very Pro Ana, but too many people i know personally found it and continued to read it, therefore i didn't feel like i had the private getaway my blog provided before those people discovered it. I'm trying to recover from my eating disorder issues, which i might add, were not anorexia, despite my pro ana tags. I've never claimed to suffer from anorexia. I suffered from EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified), and now i wish to rid myself of those problems for the sake of my one year old daughter...and for myself really. I still have slip-ups though, and for weeks at a time will fall back into the anti-food pro-ana cycle, so do forgive me for that. Follow me if you will, and perhaps you can unriddle the mystery of what name i used to blog under.


  1. I am so proud of you. You don't have to recover alone you know. Are you going to seek professional help at all? Just wondering. Thanks for keeping me in the loop sweetie. I have deleted your comme t

  2. I'm glad you're trying so hard to recover. We all have slip ups now and then, but we can't let them discourage us.

  3. Hello lovely.

    Still here for you, not matter what. Still sending you hugs <3
